MCMMO - Swords

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  • mcMMO Swords


    This skill awards combat bonuses to anyone fighting with a sword.

    To learn this skill, or any of the abilities below speak to The Knight - Sir Magnus in your Nation Spawn.


    The skill of Swords is leveled, by the amount of damage dealt to a mob. The more damage done, the more xp gained. Due to potential exploits, some mobs may earn less experience per damage done.



    Level 250

    Stab gives extra damage when attacking mobs!

    Level Extra Damage
    250 2.5
    700+ 4

    Counter Attack

    Level 500

    A counterattack takes damage dealt to you and returns 40% of it to the attacking person or crowd. It won't work if you have half a heart left. The chance to counterattack depends on your Swords level and increases the chance by up to 20%.

    Level Chance
    500 10%
    600 12%
    700 14%
    800 16%
    900 18%
    1000 20%


    Level 750

    This ability has a chance to trigger when using swords and causes enemies to take damage every two seconds. When applied, a mob will bleed until the effect wears off or death, whichever comes first. The duration of the bleed is increased by your Sword skill level.

    Level Chance Time
    750 15% 2 Ticks
    1000 20% 4 Ticks
    1100 22% 4 Ticks
    1200 24% 4 Ticks
    1300 26% 5 Ticks
    1400 28% 5 Ticks
    1500 30% 5 Ticks

    Serrated Strikes

    Level 800

    With a Sword equipped, right-click to activate this ability. Allows the attacking player to cause a bleed effect; the effect time is based on your Sword skill level.

    Level Chance Time
    750 15% 2 Ticks
    1000 20% 4 Ticks
    1100 22% 4 Ticks
    1200 24% 4 Ticks
    1300 26% 5 Ticks
    1400 28% 5 Ticks
    1500 30% 5 Ticks

    Swords Limit Break

    Level 1000 - SPECIALTY

    The Limit Break sub-skill is intended to make Protection IV players less tanky and for you to feel more powerful for having a high skill level. Players with no armor on will not receive the extra damage, and damage is scaled based upon which armor type the opponent is wearing.

    Level Damage
    1000 +1
    1050 +2
    1100 +3
    1150 +4
    1200 +5
    1250 +6
    1300 +7
    1350 +8
    1400 +9
    1500 +10
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