MCMMO - Alchemy

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  • mcMMO Alchemy


    This here will be a description of the Alchemy skill. To learn this skill, or any of the abilities below speak to The Ranger - Ranger Pierson in your nation Spawn.


    First Brew (water bottle to awkward potion):

    20 XP per brewed potion (60 XP for full stand)

    Second Brew (awkward potion to any other potion):

    35 XP per brewed potion (105 XP for full stand, 165 XP full stand if brewed from First Brew to Second Brew)

    Third Brew (using either redstone or glowstone):

    75 XP per brewed potion (225 XP for full stand, 390 XP full stand if brewed from First Brew to Third Brew)

    Fourth Brew (splash potion using gunpowder):

    100 XP per brewed potion (300 XP for full stand, 690 XP full stand if brewed from First Brew to Fourth Brew)



    Level 50

    Catalysis speeds up your potion making!

    Level Speed boost
    50 105%
    100 110%
    200 120%
    300 130%
    400 140%
    500 150%
    600 160%
    700 170%
    800 180%
    900 190%
    1000 200%


    Level 500

    This section will be updated, when information becomes available.

    Custom Potion GUI

    Level 1000 - SPECIALTY

    **More information to come later

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