The Artisan - Master Angelo
Master Angelo traveled to the colonies with the knowledge & desire to teach each nation 4 different skills. Giving each nation the ability to become masters in their own right.
Master Angelo does not just trust everyone, you must prove yourself to the Artisan. To be able to use the skills & the abilities that come with them, you must complete some quests.
HOW TO UNLOCK THIS SKILL: Speak with the Ranger and complete the quest. You will be asked to dig a stack of dirt & sand with a shovel.
HOW TO UNLOCK ARCHAEOLOGY: At level 250 Speak with the Ranger and accept the quest. You will be required to deliver an emerald block, a diamond block & music disc Cat to the Artisan
If you choose to specialize in Excavation (Giga Drill Breaker), at level 1000 Speak with the Ranger and accept the quest. ****Quest to be released later****
HOW TO UNLOCK THIS SKILL: Speak with the Artisan and complete the quest. You will be asked to farm wheat
HOW TO UNLOCK HYLIAN LUCK: At level 250 Speak with the Artisan and accept the quest. You will be asked to break flower pots.
HOW TO UNLOCK GREEN THUMB: At level 500 Speak with the Artisan and accept the quest. ****Quest to be released later****
HOW TO UNLOCK FARMERS DIET: At level 500 Speak with the Artisan and accept the quest. ****Quest to be released later****
HOW TO UNLOCK SHROOM THUMB: At level 750 Speak with the Artisan and accept the quest. ****Quest to be released later****
If you choose to specialize in Herbalism (Green Terra & Double Harvest), at level 1000 Speak with the Artisan and accept the quest. ****Quest will be released later****
HOW TO UNLOCK THIS SKILL: Speak with the Artisan and complete the quest. You will be asked to break stone blocks.
HOW TO UNLOCK SUPER BREAKER: At level 250 Speak with the Artisan and accept the quest. You will be asked to break Obsidian.
HOW TO UNLOCK BLAST MINING: At level 666 Speak with the Artisan and accept the quest. ****Quest to be released later****
HOW TO UNLOCK DETONATE: At level 750 Speak with the Artisan and accept the quest. ****Quest to be released later****
HOW TO UNLOCK DEMOLITIONS EXPERITSE: At level 777 Speak with the Artisan and accept the quest. ****Quest to be released later****
HOW TO UNLOCK BIGGER BOMBS: At level 888 Speak with the Artisan and accept the quest. ****Quest to be released later****
If you choose to specialize in Mining (Double Drops), at level 1000 Speak with the Artisan and accept the quest. ****Quest will be released later****
HOW TO UNLOCK THIS SKILL: Speak with the Artisan and complete the quest. You will be asked to cut down logs
HOW TO UNLOCK LEAF BLOWER: At level 250 Speak with the Artisan and accept the quest. You will be asked to destroy leaves.
HOW TO UNLOCK TREE FELLER: At level 400 Speak with the Artisan and accept the quest. You will be required to cut down oak & birch logs.
HOW TO UNLOCK KNOCK ON WOOD: At level 600 Speak with the Artisan and accept the quest. You will be required to destroy leaves
If you choose to specialize in Woodcutting (Harvest Lumber), at level 1000 Speak with the Artisan and accept the quest. You will be required to chop down a dchest of each log!
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