History and Lore

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  • The birth of Imperia came from the bloodshed and violence brought forth from the kingdom of Exciador.

    Exciador is a king ruled by Edmund Reinholfs. Through our the kingdom Edmund would rule with an iron and bloody fist. Marching on countless crusades and campaigns. This was to be known as the Age of Conscription. All able bodied men who could march and hold a sword were forced into service. Leaving the weak, the women, and children to tend to the auxiliary. Farm and crops would soon fall to famine and ruin. Iron mines would run dry from the conquests King Edmund would lead. This would soon be the cause of countless riots. The citizens however would not be able to fight of the conscripted soldiers, whom if turned would themselves be killed. This would not sit well with, the then, High Lord Revan. Disgusted but not helpless. She herself would come up and devise a plan to aide her citizens from the escape of King Edmund's Rule.

    She would gather a small council of like minded individuals the were spread across the kingdom.

    The first being Judge Lord of the 2nd courts Henry Avery. Sir Avery saw the proceedings of the legal matters within the courts of the citizens classed under artisans and guilds. He grew in distained for the rules that would break the backs of the citizens he had sworn to hold justice for. Seeing the law used as justified theft of goods and services. His belief in the scriptures of laws to be ruled as written and not construed and perverted to the whims of the aristocrats and the ruling classes for their whims. Angered by passion but not clouded in judgment. He would have to think of ways to still uphold the law whilst aiding in the efforts to help the citizens to escape. Avery would punish men to servitude amongst the quartermasters services. Aiding in the war efforts to supply men their equipment whilst aiding in the plans that another member had set forth. Leading us to the next member of the council.

    The second would be Quartermaster Maddie Lake. An avian aficionado. Maddie would oft see these young soldiers off to their deaths. To see many of their faces, it would all become a blur. She would service and outfit them with the arms and means that King Edmund deemed sufficient, so If anyone knew about the degrade of Exciador it would be her. The limited resources and the thinning of armor to stretch out the dwindling supply. Maddie would play a key role in the rebellion and escape of the citizens. She would take the prisoners that were giving to her by Avery. Using them to start stocking and supply four ships. The names being just; The Black Beauty, The Romulus, The Mourning Star, The Herald of Hope. Which would be captained by [Names]. She would stow citizens and small supplies in the claims of war efforts. She knew leaving the ships on the docks for too long would seem too suspicious. She needed a distraction. Which now allows us to introduce.

    Third and last would be Warminster and General Stolio. A man of technical tactics and battle malice. Due to the wars and campaigns he would soon be deemed unsuitable for combat which lead him to the role of an auxiliary official. Training the men and supplying the conscription with the means to continue with both bodies and illegally acquired goods. Acquisition of items that quartermasters could not attain. Better provisions. Things he knew they would need to last and survive in the new world. He would take those the other generals would not take and have them still train daily. His plan to use the men not fitted for conscription would be used to provide small riots for distractions and aid in the defense for the citizens to be able to safely flee to the docks and board the ships. They all knew all of them could not escape. Stolio made a promise to himself. To lay a singular tomb marked in honor of those who had fought and whose blood would aide in the foundation for what would be Imperia.

    The day come in as the end of a brisk and harsh winter. When the ships free from ice could finally escape and the new world they would be set out for would be fresh and fertile for planting crops.
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