Here you will find a list of all commands in game!
Town Commands
/rg i - This will show you detailed info about the region you are standing in such as, the name of the region, owners/members, coordinates, and any flags that may be set.
/rg addmember [townname] [username] or /rg am [townname] [username] - This adds a user as a member of your town.
/rg removemember [townname] [username] or /rg rm [townname] [username] - This removes a user as a member of your town.
/rg addowner [townname] [username] or /rg ao [townname] [username] - This adds a user as an owner of your town.
/rg removeowner [townname] [username] or /rg ro [townname] [username] - This removes a user as an owner you town.
Money Commands
/balance or /bal - This shows your current in game balance.
/sell hand - This sells the item in your hand, only the stack in your hand.
/sell same - This sells the item in your hand, as well as any other of the same item in your inventory.
/sell all - This sells all sellable items in your inventory.
/bank balance - This shows your current bank balance.
/bank deposit [amount] - This allows you to deposit money into your in game bank account, up to a maximum of 50,000 IMPs
/bank withdraw [amount] - This allows you to withdraw money from your in game bank account.
/worth - This tells you how much money you can earn from selling the item in your hand.
/worth [itemname] - This tells you how much money you can earn from selling the item you specified.
/nbal - This shows your current Nation's balance.
/nbal deposit [amount] - This allows you to deposit money into your Nation's account.
/nbal withdraw [amount] - This allows you to withdraw money from your Nation's account.
EXPBank Commands
/xpbank deposit - Deposits experience from your player to your bank. **subject to deposit penalty**
/xpbank withdraw - Lists available commands.
/xpbank balance - Accept quest via command.
/xpbank pay <username> - Quit a current Quest **subject to pay transfer penalty**
**You will lose experience from your xp Bank upon depositing, paying, or dieing**
Chat Commands
/ch g - This puts you in the global chat channel, which is cross server.
/ch tr - This puts you in the trade chat channel, which is cross Nation.
/ch it - This puts you in the International trade chat channel, which is cross server.
/ch n - This puts you in your nations chat channel, and is only visible to people in the nation.
/ch l - This puts you in the local chat channel, which is visibly to people within 200 blocks of you.
/ch sp - This puts you in the Supporters chat channel and is only visible to people whom have donated to the server.
/ch auc - This puts you in the auction channel, which is only visible to the people in your nation.
/leave [Channel Name] - This command allows you to no longer see messages from a certain chat channel.
/pm [username] [message] or /msg [username] [message] or /whisper [username] [message] - This command sends a private message to another user on the network, cross server. NOTE: You need to type in the user's FULL username!
/ignore [username] - This prevents a user from private messaging you.
/mail send [username] [message] - This sends a mail to another user, whether they are online or not.
/mail read - This shows any messages you have in your mailbox.
/mail clear - This will clear ALL of the messages in your mailbox.
Help Commands
/help - This opens up a list of available help commands.
/rules - This brings up a basic list of server rules.
/ranks - This brings up a list of staff and player ranks.
/Citizen - This brings up details regarding the Citizen rank.
/Colonist - This brings up details regarding the Colonist rank.
/Landlord - This brings up details regarding the Landlord rank.
/Mayor - This brings up details regarding the Mayor rank.
/Governor - This brings up details regarding the Governor rank.
/Baron - This brings up details regarding the Baron rank.
/Discord - Provides a link to the discord.
Tasks Commands
/tasks daily - Shows current daily task, and how many tasks you have completed in total.
/tasks mcmmo - Shows current mcmmo task progress
/tasks trails - Allows you to access any available trails.
Travel Commands
/travel - This brings up a GUI for fast travel to nations.
/warp - This brings up a clickable GUI of available warps.
/warp [warpname] - This takes you to the specified warp location.
/spawn - This returns you to the world that you are in's spawn.
/lobby - This takes you to the lobby server (Imperia).
/nation2 or /n2 or /Kypros - This takes you to Nation 2.
/nation3 or /n3 or /Demoria - This takes you to Nation 3.
/nation4 or /n4 or /Gaia - This takes you to Nation 4.
/sethome - This sets a home in the location you are currently at.
/sethome [homename] - This sets a named home in the location you are currently at.
/delhome [homename] - This deletes a named home of your choosing.
/home - This returns you to your home location and GUI access.
/home [homename] - This returns you to the location of specified home.
Quest Commands
/quests - Give you the list of commands you can use for quests.
/quests list - Lists available commands.
/quests take [quest] - Accept quest via command.
/quests quit [quest] - Quit a current Quest
/quests stats - View Quest Statistics
/quests top 10 - View Top 10 Questers!
/journal - Toggles Your Quest Journal!
/quest - View Current Quest Objective
/quest [quest] - View information about a quest.
Marriage Commands
/marry - List all marry commands.
/marry list - Lists all married players.
/marry chat - Allows a married couple to private chat.
/marry chat toggle - toggles the chat to send all chat messages to the partner instead of global.
/marry pvpon|pvpoff - Turns on & off PvP between a married couple.
/marry kiss - Kiss your partner!
/marry gift - Gifts the item in your hand to your partner!
For Priests Only:
/marry <playername> <playername> - Marries two players.
/marry divorce <playername> - Divorces two players.
McMMO Commands
Click here to see all MCMMO commands
Misc. Commands
/features - Lists the donation features associated with your account.
/lwc - Shows multiple commands, examples below.
/lock - This allows you to lock a chest/furnace/door/etc. to prevent other users from being able to interact with it.
/cmodify [username] - This allows you to add permissions for a specified user to access your protection.
/climits - Lists the number of locks used and how many are left.
/cpublic - This allows you to create a chest/furnace/door/etc.
/cdonation - This will allow you to create a donation chest, players can see and place contents but can not remove contents.