Resource World Resets/Delays



Oct 11, 2020

Resource World Resets/Delays​

A lot of people have asked for ways to further customize/control their Nations as well as what they can spend their Nation's USD Funds on... well, we are now rolling out another way!

Your Nation Leader can now spend the Nation USD funds on getting an Early Reset or Delaying the Reset of a World (Mining, Nether, End)!

Early World Reset Info​

So, you're probably wondering, how often can I do this, how much will it cost, etc...
So once a Month, up to 2 weeks before the next reset normal reset, you can request a new world or worlds. For an Early Reset it'll be $50 for 1 World, $90 for 2 Worlds, or $110 for all 3. The world will still reset on the normal reset time, unless, you decide you also want to delay it and keep that world longer (See below).

World Reset Delay Info​

Once per World, you can request a Reset Delay. This means we will skip the normal reset. You can only keep a world for the original month it was created and the month from the delay. After that, it will be Reset regardless. You may request a Reset Delay up to a week before the World Resets. The Prices for that are $25 for 1 World, $50 for 2 Worlds, and $60 for all 3.

Where do I sign up?​

Your Nation Leader can fill out the Application in the Nation Application Section of the Forums located here: